Please read below for upcoming Division 12 events and opportunities!
Please join APA Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) for our 2015 CE webinar series. We will kick off 2015 with a presentation by Dr. John Pachankis discussing his Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice article “Uncovering clinical principles and techniques to address minority stress, mental health, and related health risks among gay and bisexual men.”
When: Wednesday, 01/28/15, from 6-7 PM EST (1 C.E. credit)
To register, go to dashboard/webinar-series/
Cost: $15 members, $50 non-members. Copies of the article will be made available to all participants.
View the flier here:
**COMING IN 2015: Mark your calendars for these other exciting CE opportunities!**
Feb. 11 (2 PM EST) Bunmi Olatunji: Treatment of Disgust in Anxiety and Related Disorders
April 13 (3 PM EST) Eric Youngstrom: Working Smarter, Not Harder: Evidence Based Assessment in Clinical Practice
May 12 (8:30 AM EST) Jacqueline Gollan: Using Behavioral Activation Treatment to Treat Perinatal Mood Disorders
June 2 (1 PM EST) Meet the CP:SP Authors: Keith Dobson & Michael Spilka: Promoting the internationalization of evidence-based practice: Benchmarking as a strategy to evaluate culturally transported psychological treatments
July 8 (12 PM EST) Antonette Zeiss: Geriatric Primary Care: Psychologists' Roles on the Interprofessional Team
Sept. 9 (7 PM EST) Applying for internship (Panel discussion with Allison Ponce, Mitch Prinstein, Randi Streisand, & Risa Weisberg)
Oct. 15 (3 PM EST) Jennifer Moye: Promoting Psychological Health after Cancer Treatment
Nov. 4 (2 PM EST) Allan Harkness: Evaluation of Emotion, Personality, and Internal Models of External Reality: Implications for Psychological Intervention